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E-com & Lead Gen PPC Agency That Connects & Converts

google search

Initiatives To Run Google Ads

  • We believe in marketing that actually delivers conversion because capturing the target audience and connecting with them is just not enough. It all goes through PPC ads, an ongoing marketing process for generating lead and ecommerce sales and gaining repeat customer with high LTV.
  • We as an e-commerce and lead Gen PPC agency create ads and display them on Google search, Maps, and across partner sites networks by doing keyword research.
  • The ads generate leads and sales & when the prospect clicks them, we drag them to our websites, landing pages evoking them to take the desired action with compelling CTA messages.

Types Of Google & PPC Ads we run For Business



Dominate the digital marketing world without breaking the bank now, Search Adsone such marketing tool where we place online ads in search results. And pay a small fair every time someone clicks on one of your ads. We just play with keywords that match the search queries of our target audience.



Marketing made simpler. Show off and sell your products to high-intent shoppers with Shopping ads. We just submit the product data through the Merchant Center and Google matches the ads with the users ‘ search which directs them to your website with a click.



Youtube - largest video-based social media platform and second-largest search engine. And your most cost-effective way to reach a niche or worldwide audience. Just ending up with the right ad format and defined peculiarities that best suit your ad objective will get your desired website traffic and conversions.

performance max

Performance Max

Pull in a massive audience through advertising across all the Google Channels including Youtube, Search, Display, Discover, Gmail, and Maps through a single campaign fuelled with enough assets like images, video, and text.



We incorporate the ordinary yet rewarding way of advertising in the form of text, images, gifs, and banners on related third-party websites, apps, or social media which redirects to your website. And in return all you get is brand visibility , high conversion rates

Industries We have had our experience on

Business Type

We have had experience working with various B2B & B2C clients. We are proud to present that we have boosted the acquisition rate by an impressive 30%.

  • B2B
  • B2C

Business Niches

Here is a revised version of the list of businesses we have served with our services.

  • Ed Tech
  • E-commerce
  • Electronic Gadgets
  • Real Estate
  • Plumber & HVAC
  • Surgery & Dentist

Our Approach to your successful campaign

  • We firmly believe in and work to sell your brand’s story with lead acquisition, re-marketing efforts, driving conversion, and ensuring maximum retention.
  • We conduct a search campaign where we place our ads on Google’s Search Engine Result Pages and our ads show up when users search for relevant keywords.
  • To get the keywords matched, we select the intended keywords that would match the customer’s search queries.
  • After having desired leads, we conduct YouTube ads being specific on the ad formats and reach the maximum audience.
  • Lastly, the alternative approach that we apply is performance max campaign where we throw ads across all of Google ads networks in single campaign providing all our assets and letting Google do the work for us.
  • And after a seven-day trial, we track the conversion rate and decide on following the same targeted group or segmenting the group as per their product search or acquiring the new ones.

Tools We use

tools image
  • Google Analytics : Helps us to track and analyze web or app performance.
  • Google Tag Manager : Helps us update tags on web/ app which includes tracking user interaction – clicks, form submission.
  • Google Ads Platform : Helps us reach our target market and measure campaign performance
  • Search Console Event : Lets us monitor site’s presence and availability in google search results.
  • Firebase : Helps us understand user behaviour and track how people engage with our app .


How can digital marketing help my business?

We’re living in an extraordinary era where the internet has taken over and every single second is an opportunity for your competitors when you stay idle. Thus, the hunger to stay updated is a must.

And digital marketing is an un-matchable tool that can lead you to your target audiences in real-time through social media accounts and multiple channels. Implementing marketing strategies that best suit your business objective will reward you with maximum online visibility, conversions, and return on investment.

Not only that, you get to track your results such as website traffic, customer engagement, click-through rates, and ROI.

Why should you hire a Professional Digital Marketing Agency?

Your business might have the best products and services to offer but if you lag knowledge and expertise in the basics and depth of digitization, you may go further but not smoother.

That’s why hiring a digital agency can help you develop effective strategies and implement them at a fraction of the cost. We specialize in various aspects of digital marketing be it FB ads, Google ads, PPC advertising and more.

You will not have to train the other employees and save value

What is a marketing funnel?

Digital ads work wonders when the marketing funnel is taken into account. The funnel is all about categorizing the shopping journey of a consumer from awareness to interest to consideration to action.

The funnel helps us to reach the target audience stepwise. First, we create brand awareness through various channels such as ads, content marketing, and social media.

Then we move to spark interest from their side and bring engagement with different features such as pricing, and reviews. Following that we evoke them to take the desired action which is to shop or sign up.

What is the price of Google ads services for Ecom & Lead Gen Biz?

For e-com it varies from 600-800 USD & For lead gen its 600 USD